On Saturday 08-APR-06 we did the Civic Public Art Walking Tour and lived to tell the tale.
And so, I present to you item # 32, The Fourth Pillar, by Neil Roberts. It is in the ACT Magistrates Court.
![The Fourth Pillar - by Neil Roberts](http://www.johnboy.nerdvana.net.au/images/publicart/fourthpillar.jpg)
The guide says:
Fourth Pillar includes blue neon texts
on each level of the building which can be
read in relation to the law, or in relation to
everyday life. The artist intended that the
artwork would soften the experience for
people visiting this building.
But from the outside of the building it looks a lot like the things they’re putting into the ground for the GDE on Belconnen Way.
Got an image in, or of Canberra you want to share with the world? Email it to johnboy@the-riotact.com