Fifteen years ago a friend of mine with a profoundly disabled son requiring 24-hour care moved to Canberra all the way from WA specifically because of the standard of care the ACT offered. He lived on in high care for more than ten years.
Does anyone know how these NDIS “launch sites” will work, and whether Julia Gillard and Jenny Macklin’s National Disability Insurance Scheme’s “ACT, SA and Tas only” plans might attract a flow of desperate families from New South Wales?
Perhaps our Labor MPs could clarify? e.g. Katie Gallagher is promoting it as a good thing for the ACT, and Jenny Macklin was on the radio earlier telling the “people of the Hunter Valley in NSW” that they would be “missing out on services for their disabled” because the NSW Government isn’t signing up. Doesn’t that mean those “services” will be soon available to NSW residents who are at the end of their tether and need high care for their family members, and decide to move to the ACT the way my friend did?