Chief Minister Stanhope has announced that he’s dragging a former Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Deputy Commissioner, Mr John Martin, in to figure out what’s needed in the ACT’s supermarket sector.
- Mr Martin will advise the ACT Government on a range of issues that surround the review, in particular the local implications of the ACCC’s 2008 findings and recommendations in relation to the sector.
“The ACT Government has led the way in supermarket competition policy for some time, and we can point to tangible outcomes such as the presence of Aldi. For example, Aldi’s growing presence in the ACT was kick started by two direct land sales supported by my Government,” Mr Stanhope said.
“I believe the Canberra community is well served by a diverse fresh food and grocery sector that does strive to provide choice, convenience and value for money to Canberrans.”
“However, it is a fast paced industry and we need to have adaptive policy and the best information and advice we can obtain, and that is the reason for the review and the appointment of Mr Martin and the expertise he will bring,” Mr Stanhope added.
(Surely when it comes to Dickson Woolies there can only be one plan: “We take off, nuke the site from orbit”)
UPDATE: The Greens Caroline Le Couteur has expressed pleasure at the appointment while remaining disappointed that there’s been so little action to date.
FURTHER UPDATE: Mr Martin on ABC Radio just expressed his interest in what RiotACT commenters have had to say on the subject so far today. If we can keep the conversation broader than just fruit and veg that would be nice too.