[First filed: Jun 30, 2010 @ 15:58]
Canberra’s (possibly the world’s) least reliable podcast is settling back into something like an even keel and returns with the irresistable force that is Fun Machine.
So without further ado get clicking on the Insatiable Banalities podcast number 126, which we now present for your enjoyment.
Track list:
Mo. 10:53
Kiddy Pool. 25:10
Toxic. 37:42
E Jam Out. 52:07
Nice Time (on Drugs). 60:07
Ah Te. 66:00
For the devotees, the new podcast feed (meaning the old one is kaput) can be found at:
(So in iTunes you choose the “Advanced” tab, then “Subscribe to podcast” and bung the above address in to get it automatically instead of having to guess when the next instalment will arrive.)
Also Facebookers are encouraged to become fans of the podcast, which will sometimes get you bonus photos, plus a vicarious cool.