Corbs got the chuck, Hargreaves isn’t allowed to talk to anybody – this is like watching Neighbours. CT has taken to calling Stanhope a new super-portfolio – is this first dib story in response to their bleating earlier this week about not having the good goss before the other papers get it ?
[ED – CT story here]
The new roles and responsibilities of our industrious leaders;
Jon Stanhope Chief Minister, Treasurer, Environment, Business and Economic Development, Land Development, Ageing, Indigenous Affairs, Arts.
Katy Gallagher Deputy Chief Minister, Health, Disability and Community Services, Women.
Andrew Barr Education and Training, Planning, Tourism, Sport and Recreation, Industrial Relations.
John Hargreaves Minister for the Territory and Municipal Services, Transport, Housing, Multicultural Affairs.
Simon Corbell Attorney-General, Police and Emergency Services.
UPDATED: In the Canberra Times Simon expresses his sorrow at losing his planning powers and, worryingly, Our Brave Leader promises that Andrew Barr will do to planning what he did to education. Meanwhile Katy Gallagher says the stoushing is no big deal.