I was going to post a comment on the lack of advocacy for aged people in nursing homes but I will do that later this week. I have a bit of checking to do.
In the meantime, I was enraged to see and read the fatwa from ISIS. It is the scariest threat we have had to Australian security in my 62 years in this country.
But it didn’t need to be that way. Who were mentioned in the fatwa? Christians, that’s who! And Muslims who supported the Coalition of the Coercive!
There was no threat to Hindus, no threat to Shinto practitioners, no threat to Buddhists, no threat to communists. Yeah? Well murderers don’t ask if you are a Buddhist before thrusting a knife into you if you are a random victim as described in the fatwa. We are now all Australians and targets. Thanks Mr Abbott.
The countries who have been mentioned; Australia, Canada, France, Britain are countries who blindly follow the US into wars that have nothing to do with them.
Have they been invited to the Middle East? Are they part of a UN originated peace keeping force? NO! Will someone tell me what threat we were facing BEFORE committing to the conflict?
I predicted that the SAS would follow the air strikes which preceded the humanitarian drops. I also predicted the sending of a battalion of soldiers to the Middle East. This was confirmed by a US general only last week. They “may” need “on-ground assistance”. I now predict an upsurge in security measures, further breaches of our civil rights and a body bag count we don’t want.
If we had only kept out of this in the beginning, if only we had decided to be a model for cultural integration, if only we had been regional in our geo-political approach, we would not be in the mess we are right now.
We followed Britain into World War I, and II; we followed the US into Vietnam; we followed the US into Iraq in two Gulf wars. Why, oh why do we follow anyone into a war which is nothing to do with us?
We really don’t need this. We really don’t! And our multicultural society doesn’t need the hatred and suspicion that it breeds.
The soldiers we send are heroes. The politicians who send them are responsible for their deaths.