A new tradition… Directed by Jim McMullen
Join in the fun of this musical journey—where you’ll experience loads of musical frivolity, the essence of the traditional Music Hall, and some Vaudeville and Cabaret for good measure; sway to some Broadway-style numbers and be entertained by extravagant musical and comic styles.
A creative team—including Jim McMullen, Peter J Casey, Leisa Keen and Lisa Buckley, and an exceptional cast of 28 performers—has been selected to entice and entertain you. There are no stereotypes here; no rules—only enjoyment for all!
Escape the winter blues, make your way to Rep’s Theatre 3 and relish in the musical magic of Jazz Garters—a seriously funny production, which will definitely need more than one visit!
Season: 11 June – 27 June Wednesday – Saturday 8pm
Preview: Wednesday 10 June 8pm (Director’s Q&A following preview performance)
Matinees: Saturdays 20 & 27 June 2pm
Twilight: Sunday 21 June 4pm
Full Price $35 Concession $27 Members $25
Groups (10+) $2 off each individual ticket