An 11-year-old boy will undergo a restorative justice process after being caught lighting a fire in Kambah yesterday (Monday, January 28).
Around 12.35pm, police attended the Wanniassa Primary School after a member of the public reported seeing two young people lighting fires against a tree on the school’s oval.
Police spoke to the two boys, one aged 9 and the other 11, who stated they were lighting fires to keep warm and had put the fire out themselves.
ACT Fire & Rescue attended and confirmed the fire had been extinguished.
The boys were taken to Tuggeranong Police Station, before being released into the custody of their parents. The 11-year-old boy will undergo a restorative justice process.
Acting Superintendent Daryl Neit of South District said that the restorative justice process can be an effective tool to respond to crime that emphasises the consequences of the offence and holds the offender responsible and accountable for their actions.
“The process is intended to augment the criminal justice system and can run in conjunction with existing criminal justice processes. If the offender doesn’t fulfill their obligations under the scheme, the matter can still be put before the court,” Acting Superintendent Neit said.
For further information regarding the restorative justice process, refer to
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