I recently installed a number of the new Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL). These were brought in some time ago as a mandatory replacement for those energy wasting and cheap incandescent bulbs. Now I’m not armed with the necessary information to know whether the overall impact on the planet is good or bad, so I’ll stick with what I do know. Price.
A US newspaper recently advertised CFL globes at $0.79 for a pack of 4 13W. The last price our family paid here in Canberra was $7.00 for a single non-dimmable globe.
Before I hear the old cliche “economies of scale” etc it’s worth noting that the globes we buy come out of mainland china. Presumably the same or similar factories that supply the US.
Other ponderings wrt incandescent globes: Cost and energy to manufacture; slow to come to full brightness; Safe disposal? that white powder inside the globes can’t be good even if being cut by the glass were considered “safe”.
I’m sure the powers that be did all the appropriate research and are only looking out for our best interests; the riches that flow from the decision are simply a side-effect.
Are we perhaps being ripped-off? Not just in price but in other ways.
If I get up the ‘energy’ I’ll do some more research. It’ll just have to wait a few minutes until this globe starts up. 🙂