7 December 2023

Light rail Stage 2A contract signed but it'll be 2028 before first passengers

| Ian Bushnell
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four poeple in hi-vis at consturction site

Pacific Partnerships Managing Director Simon Nicholls on behalf of Canberra Metro, Transport Minister Chris Steel, Federal Infrastructure Minister Catherine King, and Chief Minister Andrew Barr at the Raising London Circuit site for the contract announcement. Photo: Ian Bushnell.

The ACT Government has signed a $577 million contract with Capital Metro to construct light rail Stage 2A to Commonwealth Park. The Commonwealth is tipping a further $125.5 million into the project.

But Canberrans won’t see the first track laid until 2025 after the raising London Circuit project is complete, and the 1.7 km line from Alinga Street won’t take its first passengers until January 2028, drawing immediate criticism from the Canberra Liberals.

Chief Minister Andrew Barr told a press conference at the Raising London Circuit site this morning that work was expected to start late next year or early 2025 and would take three years for construction, commissioning and testing to be complete.

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At one point, Transport Minister Chris Steel had hoped the project would make a start by the ACT election in October 2024 and be completed by 2026.

Asked if he was disappointed that it would be 2028 before a passenger could ride the rails to Commonwealth Park, Mr Steel said the timing of the project would depend on the procurement process.

“We’ve now finalised that procurement process and are announcing the timeframe today,” he said.

Mr Steel said that signing the contract would allow Major Projects’ light rail team to shift focus to Stage 2B across Lake Burley Griffin to Woden.

This would entail design work and the development of an environmental impact statement to go out to the public for feedback at the end of next year at a cost of $50 million.

Mr Steel said Stage 2B did not have to wait for Stage 2A to be completed before a start could be made, but there was a lot of work to be done through the planning design approvals process.

He brushed off a question about whether the Woden leg was now a project for next decade.

“We know that a lot of these decisions are out of our hands with third parties that are making decisions about the project, so we’re going to work milestone by milestone through each of those stages to get on with building light rail,” Mr Steel said.

Federal Infrastructure Minister Catherine King continued to offer support for the bigger and more complex Woden stage but would not make any solid Commonwealth commitment to the project, saying the Federal Government would not be announcing funding for projects for the sake of it without proper planning.

“I know as it gets closer to having an understanding of what the costs are for Stage 2B, I’m sure they [the ACT] will come to the Commonwealth, and we again will talk constructively with them about what we know is a very important project for the ACT,” she said.

“Let’s do it properly.”

But the fate of the Woden stage is in the hands of ACT voters next year. The Canberra Liberals are committed to walking away from future light rail development.

Mark Parton MLA.

Opposition Transport spokesperson Mark Parton said light rail was an obscene waste of money. Photo: Thomas Lucraft.

Opposition Transport spokesperson said today’s announcement only confirmed the Canberra Liberals worst fears about the cost of light rail.

“Stage 2A will cost more than twice as much as last year’s Canberra Liberals’ estimate and will be delivered more than two years late.”

He said taking into account the cost of raising London Circuit, upgrading the depot and buying more light rail vehicles, the bill for light rail Stage 2A was now more than $900 million.

“So anyone who believes that Stage 2 in its entirety will get to Woden under $4 billion is dreaming, and anyone who believes that it will get to Woden before 2034 is on another planet,” Mr Parton said.

Mr Parton said light rail was an obscene waste of money, particularly “when we can deliver transport outcomes that are just as good, if not better, for a fraction of the cost, and much earlier”.

But he would not provide details of what the Liberals were planning, saying a detailed policy would be announced closer to the election.

The ACT Government stuck with Capital Metro in a single procurement to deliver the next stage for the sake of continuity and efficiency.

The wire-free stage will run along London Circuit to Commonwealth Avenue with stops at Edinburgh Avenue, City South and Commonwealth Avenue.

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Mr Barr said the extended line would further move the CBD towards the Lake, where the government had released land for new mixed-use development and planned more.

“So what Canberrans can expect from this transport project and the associated works are new public parks, more housing, more hotels, more restaurants and cafes, more commercial activity and a place that will be used by people,” he said.

The total Commonwealth contribution to Stage 2A is currently $344 million. The ACT Government has already paid for early work.

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Leon Arundell3:59 pm 20 Jan 24

The government estimated that stage 1 of bus rapid transit would deliver almost identical benefits as stage 1 of light rail, but at half the cost. If we had built bus rapid transit we would by now be bussing from Gungahlin to Woden in 40 minutes. If Stage 2 of light rail is ever completed, it will take 50 minutes.

The “Raising London Circuit” site sounds like some mysterious place where black magic happens and the ACT pollies drink the Light Rail kool-aid and make crazy decisions which put this territory and its residents into further debt for no real benefit.

When will ACT ratepayers receive a return on their investment for Stage 2A?

At the same cost we could have just had a subway system across the ACT with a Tunnel boring machine. It would certainly be finished sooner.
It would also solve the issue of the varied level of terrain and eliminate the battery issue.

Sydney trains have a top speed of 160km/h, the light rail is 70km/h.

70km/h is akin to horse travel, average of about 40km/h and a top speed of 70.

That’s one fast horse!

It will cost $577,000,000 to build just 1.7km of rail by 2028.
This is $339,411 per metre.
If average annual rates in Canberra are $5,000pa that means the cost of $577,000,000 would use up the entire annual rates of 115,400 Canberra households.
Nothing to smile about.

If the government were interested in having stage 2B operating anytime before about 2035, why not, concurrently with 2A, start building from the Woden end towards the city, to the point where decisions about route options need to be made? ie from Woden along Adelaide Avenue to somewhere near State Circle.

I look forward to the day I can use light rail to travel to and from Belconnen. It’ll make a good outing for my 135th birthday.

The video has obvious lies. Huge trees where there will be apartments, carparks where there will be apartments. Powered by renewable actually majority coal powered.
How many people are going to travel to the lake? Where are these people coming from?

What buses currently do this short trip from civic to the lake? This only makes sense once they build all the yuppie apartments by the lake.

The only good part of civic is the mall, which the government hate and would never let their tram near.

Light rail will be used at the 2028 election. No one wants to pay for it, however based on the assumption we are going to get it they would like to get the benefit from it (increased property value).

$577 million to build a track that goes 1.7 kms. You have got to be joking. What moron agreed to this?

HiddenDragon7:45 pm 07 Dec 23

Good luck with a worthwhile federal contribution to Stage 2B with this fiscal monstrosity to be bailed out (all those marginal seats in Mebourne), along with all the other mounting pressures on the federal budget –


Linda Seaniger7:38 pm 07 Dec 23

Can we delay the contract signing for 2A stage until after the next election. We have not seen any complete costing for the project. Also the bridge to replace the Coppins Crossing weir which gets more daily use is 8 years over due.

They can now claim at the election that Libs will cancel it and waste money or be responsible for doing it poorly and at greater cost (even though no one knows the cost currently).

GrumpyGrandpa7:05 pm 07 Dec 23

So yet another LR election where details of the design work won’t go out for public feedback until a few months after an election.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the 2B design work was available prior to October ’24?

@GrumpyGrandpa – “Wouldn’t it be nice if the 2B design work was available prior to October ’24?” Design work?

Hell, I’d settle for an actual business case to see if it makes sense to even begin the design work. …and not like the 2a business case with a bunch of details left out and zero evidence to backup the supposed economic benefits either. A real business case that can stand up to critical scrutiny.

Victor Bilow6:27 pm 07 Dec 23

The ACT Government has already paid for early work with all of the Canberra communities money as they dont have any and if you dont need or use light rail then you have lost BIG TIME.

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As an Economist I can say that this is a complete waste of money which is only benefiting the self-serving. Our children and grandchildren will have to take up the tax burden after the rest of us are dead and gone1

The smart ones will leave town by then.

Barr/Rattenbury continue to flog a lame horse at great expense to Territoorians. But they will never concede they made the wrong choice when they took us back a century with rail tracks. By now we could have had trackless trams up and running over large areas of the ACT. I’d even be prepared to vote Liberal if we could stop this disruptive and expensive “light railway”. But until the liberals get some real leadership, we’ll continue to fund the folly!


The car, the sealed road, the electric motor, the electric battery, the aeroplane, concrete, and so on, were all invented and initially developed over a century ago. So we must all be living back a century. Just so absurd to claim that light rail is taking us back a century. All these things have evolved overtime. The modern light rail ‘tram’ is no exception. Even the ‘tracks’ have evolved. Did you know that most of the ‘track’ between Gungahlin and the City consist of a concrete road with rails glued into slots. Green tracks (how do you do this with a bus/trackless tram ‘bus’?) and wire free are recent advances.
Various points can be debated till the cows come home, but it comes down to what the users are willing to use. The patronage of Light Rail stage 1 demonstrates wide acceptance. Adopting cheaper 2nd class public transport solutions which the public would rather not use does not seem to be a sensible ‘economic’ course of strategic action.

Oh good another total waste of taxpayers money in order to provide a more congested city. Just what we need.

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