An ACT Policing car had its rear tyres slashed in Tuggeranong on Monday night. A 67-year-old man will face court over the incident.
The man was arrested after CCTV allegedly showed him stabbing the car’s tyres. Police allegedly found a small fishing knife on him. He was then arrested and charged with possessing a knife in a public place and damaging Commonwealth property.
Police say they noticed that the car had been damaged when they went to respond to a call-out at around 12:40 am on Tuesday morning (3 December).
Police say they had spoken to the man at 11:45 pm on Monday night after they noticed him acting suspiciously in the Tuggeranong Police Station car park before he left on foot following a brief conversation with officers.
The Officer in Charge of Tuggeranong Police Station, Detective Acting Station Sergeant Chris Ball, said the incident needlessly inhibited police from being able to do their job.
“This is an extraordinarily stupid and senseless act of vandalism as it resulted in police being unable to respond to another serious incident in a timely manner,” he said.
The man was given a summons and will face court at a later date.