Michelle Walton. Photos: Supplied.
A qualified teacher and dietitian for 30 years, local Michelle Walton is passionate about helping people find and keep a healthy weight. As an avid food and travel blogger, she loves nothing more than to explore the world and enrich relationships with food, sharing along the way her own experiences of seeking and finding a healthy weight. Over the years, Michelle has developed a system and now innately knows what works for food lovers and what doesn’t!
“My passion is to help people find their healthy weight eating the food they love! And it’s got to be easy!” shared Michelle, “I could see real gaps in all the healthy eating advice out there already, and I knew I could say something different and important.”
“Eating what someone else tells you to, or following a diet, only works for a while. What really works is knowing how to tweak the food you enjoy, to be able to eat with friends and family, cook, entertain and celebrate with food! So I started a business and accompanying website Food Lovers Dietitian and people loved it.”

Healthy Eating for Food Lovers. Image supplied
“But I knew it was hard to see all the pieces fitting together and not easy to make it real. So many people were telling me they wish I could sit on their shoulder and help them make Food Lovers Dietitian choices all day. If only I could come and be their Food Coach!”
This year, Michelle did just that, launching Module One of Food Lovers Dietitian Online Coaching Program for women. Her recipe for success includes three months of daily inspiration straight to your inbox, along with personal support and step by step daily tutorials through a private facebook group to learn how to master the Food Lovers Dietitian approach. Also included is six weeks of menu inspiration for all meals and snacks and a meal planner checklist to ensure ease of use and success.
Michelle excitedly said “Now I’ve done that! I’ve brought together all the parts of my Food Lovers Dietitian approach. In the Food Lovers Dietitian coaching program, I’m stepping through each part with the women who join me, in a way that makes complete sense to them. I’m helping them make it real in their day, with the food they love and the life they lead.”
“I turn up each morning online, to see how it’s going. I send them encouragement and inspiration each evening. It takes about ten minutes a day to get the Food Lovers Dietitian magic to spur you on and there’s time to catch up at the end of the week if you get busy. When you join you also get 6 weeks of Menu Inspiration for meals and snacks ideas, a Meal Planning Guide and the Checklist tool that goes with it. The women who have started are loving it and it’s so exciting that already they completely ‘get it’ and it’s making such a difference.”

Menus and meal planners included in coaching. Image supplied
With the success of module one under her belt, Michelle says “This is just the beginning. I’ve been so inspired by how the Food Lovers Dietitian Coaching Program is helping people already that I’m now planning the next module in the course. It will take everything I learn from those who have started – what has helped them most and what would make it even better. There’s so much more to say about delicious eating for a healthy weight. Module One is just the start!
Visit FoodLoversDietitian.Com to find out more about the program.