The Legislative Assembly has announced that it’s running an essay competition for college age students.
The topic, oddly enough, is the privilege of the Assembly:
The topic of the essay is Should the Commonwealth have the power to override laws made by the ACT Legislative Assembly? To be eligible essays must be 1000 words (minimum) and 1300 words (maximum). In judging the successful essays the following criteria will apply namely: demonstrated understanding of legal/political principles; critical analysis of the topic; evidence of detailed information and research; effective written communication and ability to construct a reasoned argument. The competition will close on 30 September 2011.
We are asking each school/college to judge all entries submitted at the school and to submit the five most successful essays to the Assembly for judging.
All essays submitted will be judged by a panel established at the Assembly consisting on MLAs from the government, opposition and crossbenches. Teachers are free to incorporate this essay topic as one of their assessment pieces for their students if they so desire.
There will be five prizes offered. First prize will be $250 for the school and $250 for the winning student. Four prizes of $100 for the school and $100 for the students will also be offered.
All entries shortlisted by the school for submission to the Assembly will receive a certificate signed by the Speaker.