Morning Rioters!
When leaving the wild excesses of the weekend behind and beginning the task of preparing yourself for the week ahead, be sure to remember these few important steps:
1. Brush your teeth.
2. Find and put on your trousers, or trouser equivalents.
3. Check out the RiotACT bad parking photos.
Now you’re ready to go!
If you would like to do your part in helping society function the way it should, you should send any photos of bad parking you happen to take throughout the week to
Be sure to include the work “parking” in the subject and tell us what name you would like to be credited with.
1. Loxmyf kicks us off with a three hit combo:
Spotted Sunday along Hardwick Cres near the Kippax playing fields.
Note the do not park on grass sign.

2. Sheep Groper’s eagle eyes don’t miss a thing:
Sharing a parking spot didn’t quite work here. Plenty of free parking across the street.

Dickson restaurant district, with ample free parking around the corner, yesterday. This bloke didn’t see why the busy driveway needed to be kept clear.

3. Emma also found something at the exact same spot in Dickson:
Typical spot in Dickson for people who want to return a DVD to Blockbuster. While we were seated in Subway no less than three additional cars did the same thing.

4. Jason lets his photo do the talking:
5. Adam has presented us with a sort of bad parking story book, so follow along kids:
As parking fails go, this was a pretty good one. Only wish I knew in advance how bad he’d be at parking, I’d have shot video.
P plater parking in a loading zone, right across from a couple of available, legal spaces.First attempt: Way too shallow on the turn, after backing and filling for a few of minutes, decided to try again.

Second attempt: Way too acute on the turn, backs and fills for the next 4-5 mins, hitting the Territory behind once or twice.

Finally parked: gets out, looks back to see if he damaged the car, looks around sheepishly, then walks off.

After 10mins trying to park, finally does it, though you’d think someone who wears white collar shirts and french cuffs could afford legal parking.

We also received this little tale from Adam:
Outside the ATO in Civic, courier parked in a No Stopping zone on a painted island… right in front of a parking inspector (pictured).
Inspector was nice enough to warn him to move the vehicle, courier replied “Just two minutes” to which inspector replied “Two minutes and it’ll cost you $204”. Courier told him to stuff off and wheeled in the deliver anyway, getting the fine. There were empty spaces nearby.
6. Bustbooster takes action:
A big shout-out to all the parents of the kids at Telopea Park School who drop their kids off in the No-stopping zone on New South Wales Crescent. Unfortunately the No-stopping sign doesn’t actually appear in the photo, but all these cars were backed up because the first three cars in the photo were depositing their offspring against the rules.
This happens every school morning, but I was irked enough to stop and snap a photo today because the driver of the silver car at the front of the line had the gall to honk at the driver in front of her for taking too long to drop her kids off.

7. Sharon collects another trophy for our wall:
Hi I spotted this one on Friday at the woden helenic club.

8. Troy brings us gifts:
Here’s a white Camry who doesn’t know where the white lines are, spotted at Belconnen Mall early last week.
The second one was sent to me by a mate who narrowly avoided being run over by a drunk girl who thought a computer shop in Civic would be a great place to park early Saturday morning (27/7).
9. Col comes through with a fitting finale to this post:
Snapped this yesterday when picking up my kids from school, it would seem that some pollies believe they are above restrictions when it comes to parking as this particular offender also regularly parks in the staff only spots too!

UPDATE: We’ve heard from a Canberra Liberals spokesperson about Giulia’s van:
Building works are ongoing at Trinity Christian School.
As a result this car park has been temporarily reduced in size, to around 10 spaces.
Therefore the school has maintained one disabled car parking spot and the rest have been temporarily reassigned for general use by parents and visitors to the school.
The car parking space in question is one of those that have been temporarily reassigned during the building process.