Hey Rioters!
We here at RiotCorp know what you need to get you through your Monday. You need some nice photos of some awful parking.
We hear you, and because we like you we’re gonna help you get what you need.
We’re here to help. – RiotCorp.
Speaking of help, if you happen to spot an awful park please snap a photo and send it in to images@the-riotact.com.
Make sure to include “parking” in the subject line and let us know what name you would like to be credited under.
1. Tim is fair:
Erindale on Saturday. To be fair, they *did* all have disabled parking permits.
2. Belcoman pulled off a two-hit combo:
Taken at the Goulburn Bakery.

3. Terry needs more cameras:
So may sheep and only 1 camera.
This is from the Lyneham Netball courts last Sunday afternoon.

4. An anonymous Rioter was onto patrol in the city west:
Spotted at lunch time today on Allsop St: a ute from ANU Security (who also issue parking tickets on campus) parked contrary to a no stopping sign and obstructing a driveway.

5. This photo may not do justice, but the anonymous Rioter who sent it in does do justice:
Taken on weekend. Photo doesn’t do much justice but back end of the Beemer was sticking out into the roadway and in the direct path of traffic in the car park. Were plenty of ‘normal’ parks around so not sure what driver was thinking….

6. Ben_Dover is training the next generation of parking photographers:
Taken by my daughter at Calvary hospital.

7. Tim sent in this great series of shots:
A few pics of some vehicular abandonment at the Canberra yet-to-be-International Airport. I’m not sure if these people are just so clueless that they don’t realise that they are parked in a roadway (blocking off access to half of the carpark on that level), or if they just don’t care: “I got a park without having to drive up to the next level, so who cares about anybody else”

8. Mark values quality:
A quality effort at the Florey shops this evening.

9. The Bus Driver continues his surveillance of the bad parking convention near Anzac Park:
More bad parking from Anzac Park west. There’s some repeat bad parkers, like the ute driver who this week had a P plate attached. I wonder who owns that car park? TAMS don’t patrol it, hence the chaos, but no private organisation seem to admit owning it either. It seems to be the land that no one will admit to owning.
10. MsCheeky has patience:
This corner near Albert Hall is a gift that keeps on giving, and to the same offenders over and over. As always, there are empty parking spaces within 50-100 metres. Taken Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 July.


11. Gerry-Built is considerate:
For your consideration
12. Dean can’t help but be impressed:
Seen outside the dry cleaners at Woden plaza Friday evening. Parked not even close to the bays, in front of a driveway and against the traffic flow. But 5 metres away from the (2 hour free) undercover park and 50 away from the Woden cop shop. Nice!
13. Big Red spotted this gem:
The taxi rank outside Cooleman Court being turned into a general parking area with cars reversing into the gaps just like in any other streetside parking arrangement. Just another example of the free for all attitude in the Crik.

14. P1 always expects fire in Charnwood:
I’m a little surprised it isn’t burnt out, but I guess it is in sight of a Fire station.

15. Sheep Groper has spent three weeks in this Woden car park for us:
The zebra crossing by the Woden druggery didn’t disappoint on the weekend. And a motorcyclist decided the footpath was the place to park.

16. Busbooster uses a standard angry note template:
As a pedestrian, it really gets my goat when motorists park on the footpath. I ran out of time waiting for the perp to re-appear from the childcare centre in Kingston, so I left a note on the car which said: ‘You parked on the footpath, you illiterate inbread, you dumb s***’

17. FInally Damien has spotted a problem with this press shot:
Oh dear… (aboriginal bus service press release photo)

Not sure if that one quite counts, but nice spotting at any rate Damien.