The Liberals are on a cost of living tear.
First up is Shadow Minister for Cars Alistair Coe bemoaning the rising cost of parking which is largely policy to encourage public transport use, but Alistair’s not a fan.
Zed is also arcing up about electricity prices. It turns out for families of five the electricity price rises will be higher than for smaller families. Anyone surprised?
“What we are actually going to see is a much higher increase in electricity bills for many families than the estimated $244,” ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja said today.
“Using figures based on South Australia modelling, a price increase of around $480 is much closer to the cost that families of five will face.
“This potential $480 cost of living hit for larger families comes after water bills have tripled and rates have doubled rates in many suburbs under the ACT Labor Government.
“The government should be giving Canberrans as much accurate information as possible to prepare them for cost pressures they will be facing as of 1 July 2012.
“Averages only tell part of the story. I have a family of six as do many others in the ACT and many of these larger families will feel these huge increases.
We suspect few in the current crop of Liberals favour birth control, but in wider society having children you can’t afford is generally thought to be irresponsible.