18 April 2012

More new public art - Theodore style

| mossrocket
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Breathtakingly realistic interpretation of the character of Theodore

I came across the newest addition to the plethora of taxpayer funded public art installations bestowed upon the unwary populace of Canberra yesterday.

For once I think the Gov has got it right – it really captures the spirit of Theodore – and represents the spirit of the southern suburbs beautifully.

The car that ate theodore


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Best piece of Public art i have seen around canberra. Now i just have to work out how to swap this out with the new action bus crash scene on drakeford dr….. Probably worth more, looks better and deffinately took more talent to design.

2000-ish Mazda 323 BJ for my money…

This piece looks like it was created in the ‘studio’ that resides right at the end of Tillyard drive Fraser , just where it becomes Kuringa drive, and subsequently shipped to southern parts..

Out of curiosity, any ideas what kind of car it used to be?

Sadly not a white Commodore…

Out of curiosity, any ideas what kind of car it used to be?

Was trying to work that out too. 1999 Lancer?

But judging by the choice of mags, it probably looks better now than it did before.

MERC600 said :

Good lookin mags , or they were once. Would they still be orright ?

One or two might be all right, but usually a car fire is hot enough to turn all or part of the wheels into cool looking puddles of alloy.

Good lookin mags , or they were once. Would they still be orright ?

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