Double demerits were in effect for the Labour Day long weekend. Photo: ACT Policing.
A Lawson motorcyclist has lost the right to drive after being caught riding at 138 km/h on William Hovell Drive.
Canberra police officers undertaking speed checks in Aranda spotted the P-plater speeding on a Green Kawasaki 400cc motorcycle along William Hovell Drive at about 12:20 am on Friday (30 September).
The 49-year-old man was found to be riding at 58 km/h above the posted 80 km/h speed limit.
When officers spoke with the man, he said he “just wanted to get home quickly” and there wasn’t much traffic on the road.
The Labour Day long weekend double demerit period started at 12:01 am, meaning the rush home cost the man 12 demerit points, an $1841 fine and a licence suspension for at least three months.
All motorists on ACT and NSW roads face double demerit penalties this long weekend.
ACT Officer in Charge of Road Policing Detective Acting Inspector Paul Hutcheson said this period was a time to be with loved ones, and not the time to put others at risk.
“The destination is the important thing. Not how long it takes you to get there,” he said.
“If it is important enough to get there, it is important enough to get there safe.”
Double demerits were in effect in both jurisdictions until 11:59 pm on Monday, 3 October.