For the hunter gatherers among you:
The Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate would like to advise anglers that the Murray Cod fishing season re-opens at midnight on Saturday, 30th November 2013.
“In order to maintain our Murray Cod stocks and allow the fish to spawn, the ACT season closed on 31 August 2013 for a three month period,” Daniel Walters, Director of Environment Protection and Water Regulation said today.
“During this time fishing for Murray Cod in all ACT waterways was prohibited.
“As with previous years, there is a daily bag limit of two Murray Cod per person per day and a minimum legal length of 60cm, however anglers may have only one over 100cm in their possession.
“It is important that anglers are fully aware of the fishing rules before dropping a line,” Mr Walters said. Anglers should be aware that fishing activities are regularly monitored in the ACT with fines applicable to those found carrying out illegal conduct.
Penalties of up to $5000 apply for contravention of the Fisheries Act 2000.
For more information, or to obtain a copy of the ‘Recreational Fishing in the ACT’ information sheet, contact Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 or visit