5 June 2012

Murrumbateman Families - Where do you send the kids for Primary School?

| FiSyd
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We are currently considering a move from Sydney to the Murrumbateman area with our 2 small boys. The eldest is due to start school next year and I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice as to where would be best to send him?

I’d rather not fork out for private school at this early stage and I’d like him to meet some local (outside Canberra) kids so I don’t spend ALL my life taking him to and from mate’s places in Canberra.

I was thinking maybe Gundaroo or Sutton Primary, but I don’t know anyone who knows anything about them. Can anyone give me any insight into what these schools are like?

Any other options I should be considering?

All help VERY gratefully received.

Thanks in advance.

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Just regarding things like weekend sport. My nephew plays league for Yass and they play mostly in northern Canberra and Yass. But it would depend on the sport. but just about every Yass club, probably plays in the Canberra comp.

gourmetmumma1:58 pm 07 Jun 12

We have a lot of kids from Murrumbateman at Holy Spirit in Nicholls. From what my kids have said they get a bus direct to the school but don’t quote me on that.

We are also Murrumbateman residents. I leave to you whether Yass or Canberra is better – we chose Canberra – Burgmann Anglican School in Gungahlin. Travel to sports venues on Sat/Sun is a consideration – I don’t know what sports and where Yass kids go to compete with other schools. I really wouldn’t choose Gundaroo or Sutton – this would also result in no local friends. No buses to Gundaroo or Sutton whilst for travel to the other schools the buses are free -. I am desperate to get our child on the bus in order to make local friends but my wife is over protective 🙂 If one of you is working and your children miss the bus the working parent can take the kids on to school if it is in the same direction.

Also the bus service to Yass is free as well!

+1 for Yass. The majority of kids in Murrumbateman do go there, the bus trip is not nearly as long as the one into Canberra, and, they don’t have to change buses from home to school. I have only heard good things about Berinba and it is on the Murrumbateman side of Yass. They will probably make friends on the bus too that live nearby!
Plus if you need to run in to pick them up it’s only 10-15 minutes. As well as that, Yass is a great, safe place and has much more of a community feel than a Canberra school.
Mt Carmel is great for primary school, but yes it is Catholic and private. No waiting list I don’t believe – I think at the moment they are a little desperate for new enrolments.
But definitely Yass in my opinion. My kids went to both Yass schools and Canberra ones and I know what was easier on them and me.
Good Luck!

We send ours to Catholic schools (primary and now the older ones in high school) in Canberra, after Hall closed, we had them at Lynham primary but didn’t like it so took them out, we are all much happier.

We are not Catholic and had no trouble getting them in.

I don’t know anyone from here sending kids to Gunderoo or Sutton

The bus option is good it picks them up from out driveway in the morning goes to Hall to change buses and the reverse in the afternoon, but it is a long day for them they leave at 7:30 and get home at 4:30.

You can buy my place, we are selling soon, money reasons not lifestyle, the lifestyle is great.

We know people with kids at both Sutton and Yass public primary schools. Both are good. Yass (Berinba) is excellent – one Murrumbateman family we know pulled their child out of a north-west Belconnen government school to attend there.

The bus to Yass is very good and the trip is short. Your child will also have friends from school at Murrumbateman.

The people we know aren’t in high school yet, so I can’t give you any advice on that front.

I know a lot of Murrumbateman kids used to go to Hall Primary and it really suited them because it was a small school with a country feel about it. My kids went to Giralang Primary (a few years ago now) and it has many of the same benefits as Hall – small school, great teachers and lots of space without one of those big black fences so many other schools have. I understand that they welcome out of area kids too.

FiSyd said :

Thanks so much! Food for thought.

So the Northern Canberra Schools take kids from out of their priority area? I was told that this wasn’t an option any more.
Hmm, more investigation needed.

Still interested in any thoughts on Gundaroo or Sutton if anyone has any.

Is Mt Carmel Catholic? Is it problematic getting in if you aren’t Catholic?

There is no guaranteed entry for NSW students to ACT (government) schools, with a few exceptions. In many cases you will be at the end of the waiting list, after kids from the area, and ACT students from out of area. Whether there are waiting lists at schools in Gungahlin or Belconnen is something worth checking. You should definitely make a trip to check out the schools in Yass, Canberra and the country towns.

I would assume Mt Carmel is Catholic. I would be surprised if they didn’t take non-Catholics. There is an Anglican school in Forde, Gungahlin, called Burgmann College if that is of interest to you, but they would, I assume, have a waiting list of more than one year.

Thanks so much! Food for thought.

So the Northern Canberra Schools take kids from out of their priority area? I was told that this wasn’t an option any more.
Hmm, more investigation needed.

Still interested in any thoughts on Gundaroo or Sutton if anyone has any.

Is Mt Carmel Catholic? Is it problematic getting in if you aren’t Catholic?

I grew up in Murrumbateman and went to school in Yass. The bus to and from school in Yass was a lot quicker than the Canberra bus. Yass has Berinba which is a public school and Mt Carmel which is a private school that goes through to Year 10 (or it used too), i’m not sure how expensive it is though. I only went to Yass High (moved when I was in Year 9) but younger family went to Berinba and I have no recollection of any issues with there, it was a nice neat, fairly new school. Yass High was good for me at the time, I wanted to do well with my studies and they had really small class sizes which meant more time with teachers. I don’t know anyone who went to Sutton or Gundaroo to comment on those. Hope this helps!

There are busses from Murrumbateman that take kids to schools in yass and Canberra and as far as I’m aware no school busses to gundaroo or sutton. The best bet would be sending them to school in north belconnen or gungahlin it would only be about 20 mins to schools located in that area.

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