![photo by Crash Test Addict CC BY](http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-yQSFyteMfIA/TjCuf6L9ebI/AAAAAAAAlwc/tAoxlU5fQNA/s600/4279716410_7104139104.jpg)
Chief Minister Katy Gallagher has announced the release of Michael Moore’s report: ‘Balancing Access
and Safety: Meeting the challenge of blood borne viruses in prison’.
The report recommends:
- 1. The ACT Corrections Management Act 2007 be amended to require the establishment of an NSP at the AMC.
2. A clear set of rules, procedures and protocols be established through an appropriate process guided by the ACT Corrections Management Act.
3. Adopt a contingency process for the implementation of appropriate model/s for a needle and syringe program at the AMC.
4. Recruitment of a dedicated Aboriginal Health Worker position in an NSP and related service provision would be worthy of consideration.
5. The installation of secure syringe disposal bins would further reduce the potential for accidental needle-stick injury and be worthy of consideration even without the implementation of an NSP.
6. Future developments in retractable syringe technology will need to be considered as part of the ongoing development of an NSP in custodial settings.
7. Legislative amendments be considered to protect all staff from potential civil and criminal liability.
“The Government engaged Michael Moore to investigate and report on models for the implementation of an NSP at the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) and the project included an assessment of the barriers to implementation with a broad range of consultations held with key stakeholders,” Ms Gallagher said.
The report has made seven (7) recommendations and the Government will now consider the recommendations, and seek the views of the community about the report, prior to finalising our response to report.
“The Government will welcome feedback from stakeholders to assist us with our final consideration of this very important issue. It’s important for anyone interested to provide their feedback on the report to the government over the next six week period.”
The consultation closes on 8 September and submissions can be made to AODpolicy@act.gov.au .
UPDATE: The Greens have announced their approval.
[photo by Crash Test Addict CC BY]