Paul Summerfield is approximately 82 times more talented than any single person has any right to be, and everyone should hate him for it.*
That being said, his work will be on display at the Front Gallery and Cafe from the 30th of October so you should probably go see it because it’s always spectacular.
New digital paintings by Paul Summerfield
Exhibition runs from 30th October – 18th November 2013
The Front Gallery and Cafe, Lyneham, Canberra, AustraliaTasty morsels: sushi, plum wine and Sake
Opening night will feature Poetry performances by Andrew Galan and beautiful music by duo, DollFace. ( Alice Cottee)I hope to see you at the opening to share my new series of artworks with you all.
If anyone is unable to get to the show in person (you live in Japan, America or Sydney) you will be happy to know I’m uploading the works onto my website on 1st November.
Don’t hate Paul, he’s actually quite a lovely man… the talented jerk.
Check out the Facebook page for the event and treat your eyeballs.