Works are underway to expand the 40 kilometre per hour speed limits already in place in and around the Belconnen Town Centre. File photo.
Belconnen Town Centre will soon have nine expanded 40 kilometres per hour zones, with works underway to expand the speed limits already in place in and around the centre.
Existing 40 kilometres per hour speed limits will be expanded to include Eastern Valley Way, Chandler Street, Swanson Court, Cameron Avenue, Benjamin Way, Lathlain Street, Ibbott Lane, Market Street and College Street.
Nearly 100 new signs will be installed at a number of locations in Belconnen notifying motorists of the reduced speed limit, with the works expected to take several weeks to complete.
After an ACT Government investigation into the potential of 40 km/h areas around shopping centres and community facilities in the ACT to improve levels of safety, especially for cyclists and pedestrians in 2010, the Government trialled 40km/h areas in Gungahlin and Woden town centres in 2011.
Following a review of the trial, which included consultation with the local community and traders as well as the collection of speed and traffic volume data, the ACT Government decided to implement the reduced speed limit in the Woden and Gungahlin town centres on a permanent basis and introduce 40km/h precincts to Belconnen, Civic and Tuggeranong.

A map of extended 40km/h zones. Photo: Supplied by ACT Government.
In 2013, the ACT Government implemented the speed limits in all ACT town centres and in all group centres two years later.
A Transport Canberra spokesperson said the locations for the introduction of 40 kilometres per hour areas were identified at centres due to a high level of pedestrian movement and a minimum of 400 metres of retail and commercial development along local roads.
“Reducing speeds in residential areas and shopping precincts makes the road system safer for all users and encourages more regular use by vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists,” the spokesperson said.
“As part of the evaluation process, the local community expressed interest in the expansion of the 40 kilometres speed limit areas to other streets in the town centres, including in Belconnen.”
There are expected to be some minor footpath closures with signage to be put in place to alert road users to the changed traffic arrangements.
The existing 40 km/h speed limits will be expanded to include the following sections of road:
- Eastern Valley Way from Emu Bank to College Street
- Chandler Street from Benjamin Way to College Street
- Swanson Court from Benjamin Way to Chandler Street
- Cameron Avenue from Benjamin Way to Eastern Valley Way
- Benjamin Way from Emu Bank to College Street
- Lathlain Street from Ibbott Lane to Luxton Street
- Ibbott Lane from Market Street to Lathlain Street
- Market Street from Lathlain Street to Benjamin Way
- College Street from Lathlain Street to Benjamin Way