[First filed: January 27, 2009 @ 13:56]
This is the second part of a series of photographs taken by RiotACT reader Old Canberran on his Kodak Box Brownie in 1948.
This week is the now departed Royal Canberra Hospital back in its days as “Canberra Community Hospital”.
You can click on the images to get larger versions.
He added this note when sending in these ones:
- Here’s a couple of shots of the old Royal Canberra Hospital before it became Royal and before all the additions which took place over the years. Included in the surrounding buildings was the Medical Superintendant’s house which would have been Dr JL Nott who had also been the super at the old hospital. There was also a large 2 story building for the resident nurses and this was on the other side of Lennox Crossing Road about opposite the Med Super’s house. Unlike today, the nurses all lived in and were all single young ladies.
The original nurses quarters actually overlooked part of the old Royal Canberra Golf Course and the Molonglo River flats and further around towards Uni house was the Acton Racecourse which also housed a 9 hole golf course which subsequently became Federal Golf course in a new location where it now is. Larger and more modern nurses quarters were subsequently added to the Eastern end of the main building and the old quarters became residences for lay staff.
For reasons best known to the politicians, this whole hospital complex was demolished to make room for a museum at the cost of a young girl’s life.
UPDATED: Inspired by all the wallowing in nostalgia going on A Noisy Noise Annoys An Oyster has sent in a bunch of photos with the following note:
- I am attaching some photos I took at the old hospital when I worked at ACT Government Registry in March 1995 in the old maternity ward of RCH. You might want to make a slideshow of the pics. They show the old childrens’ wards as well as the work areas including the tea room, lunch area, common room and file depository.
(Slideshow below)