You don’t need a much better example of why this Labor rabble must be sent packing in October 2012 than the efforts (shall we say) to reform the Public Interest Disclosure Act that have been going on since 2004. (This is the bit of legislation that is supposed to protect whistleblowers and entrench high ethical standards in the ACT PS. The ACT’s was rated the worst in the country.)
The story of the Public Interest Disclosure Act so far:
- Reformed Act promised before the 2004 election;
- Bill tabled for a reformed Act in 2006;
- Bill lapsed with the dissolution of the 6th Assembly in 2008;
- Reformed Act promised again in the 2008 election;
- Went to consultation on an Exposure Draft two days before Christmas 2011. While this version did remove the ACT Ombudsman from a crucial oversight roll without telling him, and did not adopt the full definition of disclosable conduct including corrupt conduct, it was better than nothing.
- Bill tabled for a reformed Act in June 2012; with only a few sitting weeks remaining and a high likelihood that it will (unfortunately) lapse again with the 2012 election.
Now with Zed’s no-confidence motion in Katy’s Chiefdomism over the health stats scandal, we are going to lose a whole week of our trumped-up city council’s legislative machinations. So when will they get a chance to debate and pass the Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2012, Katy? Or will you just promise it again in 2012 for an aborted delivery sometime in 2016?
Katy, if YOU and YOUR Labor cronies had wanted to fix the ACT anytime since 2001, YOU have had every opportunity to.
Katy, the health stats scandal is YOUR responsibility because YOU have failed to establish the legal mechanisms and culture within the organisation that YOU are responsible for to ensure that it did not happen.
Katy – just f&%k-off.
Imagine this crap until 2016 under the Labor and The Greens!
This is from the ACT Greens’—the Surrender Monkeys of Integrity—policy platform:
The ACT Greens want:
8. a strengthened ACT Public Interest Disclosure Act to adequately protect whistleblowers.
Now let’s all watch The Greens rollover and capitulate to Katy on this.