Campaign Launch, 10 am today – Friday 17th May, outside Tuggeranong Library
Time Travellers return to Canberra from the year 2020. They’ve got a message for you: Our Future is Hungry
Food Security is gaining prominence as an issue of global importance, yet most of us have not considered how threats to food security would impact upon people in the ACT.
Canberra community groups Fusion Canberra and SEE-Change have put together a discussion paper that identifies emerging threats and proposes a strategy of local intensive food production to counteract their impact.
“SEE-Change has always been about dealing with local practicalities by sharing knowledge and resources” says Executive Officer, Anne Clarke. “That’s why we’re working with Fusion to generate a community conversation about what we could do in the ACT to increase our food security.”
The publication of the discussion paper will be followed on Tuesday 21 May with a free public lecture on food issues by well-known speaker and science journalist, Julian Cribb, author of “The Coming Famine” . The lecture is at 7.15pm at the Canberra Grammar School, Red Hill.
“Our vision at Fusion Canberra is for a Canberra where nobody gets left behind. The issue of food security has the potential to stop this. We need to do something about it now for our kid’s and their kid’s sake” says Fusion Canberra CEO, Brenton Reimann. “The growing number of statements by analysts and scientists such as Julian Cribb need a community grass-roots response as well as at Government level. That’s what the Our Hungry Future campaign is designed to achieve.”
Reimann hoped specially that school students, the generation for whom food affordability and supply looms as an increasingly serious problem, would read the paper and attend the Cribb lecture, where they would have priority at question time.
To launch the discussion paper, and publicise the rest of the years associated events, the two groups are bringing some hungry time travellers back from the future to tell you what they know. But they may have an unwanted companion – do I hear the word “exterminate”?
Be at Colishaw Street between the Tuggeranong Library and the Tuggeranong Community Centre at 10 am today (Friday 17th of May) for the official launch.
“We hope people will register to attend the lecture by visiting our event page, but there will probably be seats for people who just turn up on the night.”
To find out more about the campaign – and to download a copy of the discussion paper – please visit