Happy New Year! Are there items on your New Year’s Resolution list that will require some research to get them happening? Looking for the best gym in your area, or personal trainer, or grocery delivery service? Perhaps you’re after a therapist, a life coach or a dietician? Help with home renovations? Want to join a sports team and not sure whether there’s a club in Canberra you can join? Look no further than Ask RiotACT, our community-driven information service about life in the capital. Upload your question to the site and receive advice and feedback via the comments here and on social media. Here are the most clicked on Ask RiotACT’s of 2016.
12. Ask RiotACT: Should school bus travel be free?
On June 23, greenman asked readers whether they thought schoolchildren should be able to travel to and from school for free on the bus. We’ve added a poll to the story, so you can have your say by voting or commenting on this one. The comments were mostly in favour of free or subsidised bus travel to and from school for children.
10. Ask RiotACT: Cheap coffee in Canberra – where is it hiding?
On June 8, scentednightgardens asked, “Where are the places that can pump out satisfactory coffee at a great price?” Readers came up with plenty of suggestions, including the Shell servo at Phillip which offers an acceptable brew for 80c, according to one commenter.
9. Ask RiotACT: What is the longest Street in Canberra?
Peter Smith’s May 28 post wondering about which is the capital’s longest street was inspired by a question from his nine-year-old daughter. Such a great question! We’ve read the responses in the comments and our favourite is this one from Kalliste: “I think it might be Megalong cres in Harrison.. it is mega long.” In fact, I think Kalliste takes the prize for comment of the year with that effort. Meanwhile, back on length of streets, any thoughts (or inside info)? Which is longer Canberra Avenue? Hindmarsh Drive? The Monaro Highway?
8. Ask RiotACT: Insulation and double glazing
In the depths of winter on July 3, Angela_Martin asked, “Can you recommend a company to install insulation and double glazing?” There were plenty of reader suggestions in response, as well as tips on materials to choose.
7. Ask RiotACT: Moving to Canberra from Sydney
Reader Sydberra was moving back to Canberra with their family and on September 3 wrote in to say they were after information on where to live to access good schools in the Woden and Weston Creek areas. Curtin came up trumps in the recommendations with Chapman a close second.
6. Ask RiotACT: Speed limit change on parkway?
Steveu wrote in on November 11 to say he’d noticed on the Tuggeranong Parkway southbound, near the intersection of Sulwood Drive, there was a sign saying there was an upcoming speed limit change. “Any ideas as to what it is about?” he asked. Among the responses was this one from bj_ACT: “Looks like the well sourced rumour about the point to point speed camera from Athllon Drive being relocated to the Parkway might be true. What a disaster it will be mixing Tuggeranong traffic all doing 95km with traffic from Woden, Weston Creek and Molonglo doing 95-110km and those speeding cars will not in the point to point speed camera zone. Crazy Stuff.”
5. Ask RiotACT: Recommendations for new kitchen installer
Dazzaone asked on January 18 for recomendations for good value kitchen installers in the ACT. “I am looking to get a new kitchen installed, and rip the old one out. Has anyone had one done recently?” he asked, inspiring two pages of useful tips and suggestions from the RiotACT audience.
4. Ask RiotACT: Do reverse cycle heating units work ok in Canberra?
On October 27, mtrax asked for help in their move from using gas heating/airconditioning to electric, seeking pros and cons of reverse cycle heating systems. “I hear some systems go into a de-icing cycle often when temperature goes below zero, but not sure if that’s indicative of all systems?” mtrax asked. “Also the efficiency drops with the temperature but does this mean they are still efficient averaged over the winter?” Rioters had plenty to say on this topic, with 32 comments in response when we last checked.
3. Ask RiotACT: Parking fine at New Acton
Trickster asked about a parking fine they’d received while parking in New Acton. “Can/does the the ACT Government enforce parking infringements in non-ACT Government parking spots?” trickster asked. The discussion in the comments revolved around what arrangements the ACT Government has with private carpark operators as well as the fact that many hold the view drivers should pay for parking whether they’re likely to be fined or not.
2. Ask RiotACT: Toll roads for ACT?
On November 23, Mach1ne wondered whether anyone could shed any light on why all the lanes and slip lanes on the Federal Highway at Majura Parkway were having sensor strip installed in the tarmac. “Are we going to have a toll to help fund the “tram”?” Mach1ine asked. The consensus was that the sensor strips were simply about tracking usage of the road, but debate about whether tolls should be applied to light rail passengers and even property owners who will benefit from proximity to the tram lane took off.
1. Ask RiotACT: Federal Election pre-poll voting places in Canberra?
Maya123 takes out first spot in the Ask RiotACT top ten with this June 4 post about pre-poll voting places in the capital. Respondents provided details on when and where she could vote as well as launching into a heated discussion about why it was preferable to vote pre-poll and whether internet voting was viable. In a double election year for ACT residents, it’s not surprising the practical issues around exercising our democratic right would inspire debate. In the ACT election, a record number of us voted pre-poll. Were you one of them? Why?
Check in tomorrow for our most popular food and wine articles of the year.