27 August 2011

Parking win at Belco Bunnings

| johnboy
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parking at bunnings

Michael has sent in this excellent example of parking at Bunnings in Belconnen this morning.

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Mysteryman said :

gooterz said :

Thats only 2..

Car in my pic took up all 4. On the top of tuggeranong

The trick in that situation, is to park right next to the RX-7 so that your passenger door is about 3cm away from his drivers door. You can get in and get out, he/she will need to use their passenger door, which in the restricted confines of an RX-7, will be a total pain in the ass. The owner will also be far too concerned about their car to risk damaging it on your car. Win!

+1 Then ring your mates to cover of the passenger side as well……

Looks about as skilled as the driver of the van that hit the side of my 7 week old car at Bunnings tuggeranong a couple of weeks ago.

screaming banshee11:24 am 28 Aug 11

I saw an old bag park her car against the car in front in a parallel parking arrangement at the markets one weekend, she was walking off and I was going to go and say something but the other driver was just walking back to the car. She moved her car back, but didn’t care in the slightest.

That why you just cant have anything nice.

Another time I was parked-in in the city, which alone I don’t mind if someone leaves a number but this car didn’t. I called parking operations to arrange it to be towed but they said all they could do was come and give them a ticket, so I called the police and told them I needed a vehicle towed and was put on hold……

Po: Operations
Me: Yeah mate I need to get a vehicle towed
Po: Uh, are you a police officer
Me: No
Po: Oh?
Me: Mate I’ve been parked in by some idiot on Moore st, I’ve called parking operations and they said all they could do was issue a ticket but I need this vehicle towed because I’ve got work to do, mate I can’t sit around here all day.
Po: Have you tried to locate the driver?
Me: I’ve been stuck for 30 minutes already, I’ve checked with all the local businesses I just need the car towed.
Po: Ok, well….
Me: Hang on a minute, this looks like the idiot now, IS THIS YOUR CAR, yep this is him, thanks.

What followed was a barrage of abuse to the plasterer of asian appearance who I’m not sure understood much and all he had was ‘sorry waves’

I feel much better now, happy sunday everyone

grunge_hippy11:21 am 28 Aug 11

Every time I go to Aldi at Lanyon I want to take photos of the 6 or so cars who park along the very clear and multiple signs that say “No standing at any time” along the back wall of the building that dominos, Real estate etc is in.

But those stickers look even better….

gooterz said :

Thats only 2..

Car in my pic took up all 4. On the top of tuggeranong

The trick in that situation, is to park right next to the RX-7 so that your passenger door is about 3cm away from his drivers door. You can get in and get out, he/she will need to use their passenger door, which in the restricted confines of an RX-7, will be a total pain in the ass. The owner will also be far too concerned about their car to risk damaging it on your car. Win!

Seen regularly at Canberra’s most congested carpark- Florey shops.

Stop everybody passing, call all your mates up, bring bus loads of people in, just to wait for their return.

Then point and laugh at them. Take pictures/video.

Aeek said :

without the history you never know – apparent bad parking could have been caused by the previous neighbour

Hmm – there’s normally plenty of parking available out there – hard to imagine that they couldn’t have found a spot where they weren’t taking up two spaces.

ConanOfCooma8:43 am 28 Aug 11

You take parking pics?

Done. We see some classics at Homeworld.

without the history you never know – apparent bad parking could have been caused by the previous neighbour

You can get stickers to deal with such folk:

gooterz said :

Car in my pic took up all 4. On the top of tuggeranong

numberplate sums up driver’s attitude…

When I see cars parked like this I always wonder about it. More than once I have entertained the notion that perhaps the car I see parked poorly was actually the victim of an earlier phantom parker who had parked poorly, and if they wanted a spot they had to squeeze into the available space or miss out on a park altogether.

So is it the ‘piss poor parker domino effect’, was there a special on in-store which they had to get to (at any cost) before anyone else, or are they just REALLY bad drivers?

I’ve never thought of sending a pic of bizarre parking in to RA. Recently a very “sweet” older lady parked within cm’s of my car at an angle that meant I couldn’t have backed out if I wanted to. As I walked up to my car she was walking off saying that she was sorry about her parking but that she wouldn’t be too long. It was so bizarre I just stood there stunned until she came back out of the shops.

Wouldn’t have been my reaction.

aww, they’re snuggling…

Thats only 2..

Car in my pic took up all 4. On the top of tuggeranong

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