The northbound closure is in effect from 23 to 26 August. Photo: ACT Government.
Sections of Commonwealth Avenue will close to traffic over the next two weekends to allow for the relocation of “critical infrastructure” as work to raise London Circuit progresses, according to Major Projects Canberra.
Closures will be in place this coming weekend for those travelling northbound to the city, with a closure the following weekend affecting southbound traffic.
Commonwealth Avenue northbound will be closed from State Circle to Vernon Circle between 8 pm, Friday, 23 August, and 6 am, Monday, 26 August.
Traffic heading north will be detoured from Adelaide Avenue onto State Circle (both ramps to State Circle remain open).
To access the city, motorists will be directed to use Kings Avenue Bridge to cross the lake in the northbound direction, using Anzac Parade or Coranderrk Street to access the city.
Arrangements will be made to facilitate traffic coming onto Parkes Way from Kings Avenue Bridge.
Motorists are also encouraged to use alternative options, such as the Tuggeranong Parkway or the Monaro Highway, to travel northbound during the weekend.
Cyclists will need to use the shared path along Commonwealth Avenue southbound in both directions across Parkes Way and London Circuit.
Only buses and local traffic for hotels and nearby buildings will have access to Commonwealth Avenue northbound during the works.
The ramp from State Circle onto Commonwealth Avenue northbound will also be closed to all traffic.
On the following weekend, Commonwealth Avenue will be closed to southbound traffic between London Circuit and Parkes Way from 8 pm Friday, 30 August, to 6 am, Monday, 2 September.
Commonwealth Avenue will remain open in the northbound direction during the works.

Southbound closure 30 August to 2 September. Photo: ACT Government.
Active travellers will need to use the shared path along Commonwealth Avenue northbound in both directions across Parkes Way and London Circuit. Traffic controllers will be in place.
Buses and local traffic heading into the City from South Canberra will still be able to use Vernon Circle to access Constitution Avenue during the works.
All bus stops will operate as normal, but the detours may cause delays on bus routes using Commonwealth Avenue.
Work will continue overnight over both weekends, to enable the relocation of stormwater and drainage services, as well as pavement and kerbs along Commonwealth Avenue.
For more information on upcoming traffic changes and alternative travel options, visit BuiltforCBR.