So overnight a little 4 year old girl in Melbourne was mauled to death by a pitbull terrier.
I have had a couple of close encounters with this breed of dog in Canberra – once by one that yanked its leash out of its owner’s hand and came at my black ball of fluff and the second time by one that was roaming free as I was relaxing in a park with my kids. Again it came barrelling at us very aggressively. (On a side note, what’s with the huge numbers of dogs that roam our suburbs during the day time… are there people out there who let their dog out for the day while they go to work?)
I’m fairly certain the both times things could have turned out quite badly if I didn’t know how to react in that type of situation.
So, my question is: is it time for the ACT government to reassess its policy to not restrict the ownership of pitbulls in the territory? They have been selectively bred for aggressiveness and I can see no reason why anyone would need to own one.