5 March 2024

PODCAST: The Hoot on housing wedges, a hazelnut debacle and random booze tests

| Genevieve Jacobs
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ferrero rocher box overlayed over hazelnut farm

$70 million to a multi-billion-dollar multinational? That’s nuts! Photo: Digital mischief by Region.

This week’s podcast is sweet, depending on who you are.

David Murtagh and Genevieve Jacobs tackle the growing policy rift between ACT Labor and the Greens on housing policy and whether there are votes in it for either side.

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READ ALSO Steel’s use of call-in powers to approve next stage of Denman Prospect sparks housing brawl

It’s an election year, and everyone’s betting on hip-pocket issues, but is the Greens’ focus on rent or Labor’s supply solution the right one? And who is game enough to tackle the bigger questions and touch the third-rail of Australian politics?

Meanwhile, out west, quite a saga is unfolding at a Riverina hazelnut enterprise that was the recipient of very generous government funding.

READ ALSO ‘Give it back’: How Aussie taxpayers helped fund $70 million failed foreign hazelnut farm

Ferrero (makers of Ferrero Rocher, Nutella and more) says climate change is to blame for their failed farm, although the neighbours disagree. We just want to know who gave the company $70 million of our money, and under what programs? Oh yeah, and why don’t the departments have records?

Speaking of government, would random booze testing for pollies keep parliament a bit cleaner? Mr Murtagh has some surprising views.

READ ALSO Random booze tests on MPs could too easily become weaponised

The Hoot appears every week on Riotact and wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple and Spotify. Have a listen, tell us what you think and rate us.

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