ACT Policing and the NRMA have slammed Facebook pages that are identifying the locations of random breath testing and speed cameras around Canberra, labelling the practice “incredibly stupid.”
The RiotACT has found at least three Facebook pages with around 23,000 followers or members combined which have been created specifically to let Canberrans know where RBT and mobile speed cameras are located so they can avoid them.
Some of the posts advise motorists on how to avoid RBT sites, while others include photos of police set-ups.
One of the Facebook pages is full of derogatory language and promotes itself as a “group for the ‘dodgey’ people who need to know where there are police set ups.”
NRMA spokesman Peter Khoury said the Facebook pages were really stupid given the dangers of drink-driving and the fact that even if motorists avoid random breath testing they can still get caught by highway patrols.
“It’s incredibly stupid because it’s encouraging the type of behaviour that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Australians over the years,” Mr Khoury said.
An ACT Policing spokesperson said the Facebook pages are irresponsible given that RBT stations are used to improve road safety for all road users.
“ACT Policing are aware that there are certain Facebook pages that identify the locations of RBTs and speed cameras,” the spokesperson said.
“Although it is not an offence to reveal the location of an RBT, it is irresponsible given that these practices are undertaken to keep Canberra roads safe.
“RBT stations are used by police in an effort to improve road safety and remove drivers from the road that choose to put themselves and others in harm’s way.
“If you feel the need to avoid an RBT then you need to consider whether you should be driving at all.”
The ACT Policing spokesperson said that anyone who fails to pull over when directed to at an RBT can be issued an infringement notice for failing to comply with a police direction.
“If you are driving or riding on our roads then you are responsible, not only for your own safety but for those around you,” the spokesperson said.
“Regardless of whether you know the location of cameras or RBTs, every ACT Policing vehicle is a potential RBT and you can be tested anywhere anytime.
“Our message is don’t drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, road safety is everyone’s responsibility.”