Individuals can face heavy fines or even imprisonment for failure to serve alcohol responsibly. Photo: Omar Lopez.
Police will be cracking down over the holiday period on clubs and pubs serving alcohol to drinkers who are already intoxicated, warning bar staff they risk heavy fines and even jail sentences.
Alcohol-related crime remains an ongoing issue for police, with patrons being served alcohol when they are already intoxicated a major contributing factor.
Officer in Charge of City Police Station, Detective Station Sergeant Adrian Craft said police want to see people enjoy themselves responsibly and safely in licensed premises this festive season.
“We want all Canberrans to enjoy themselves, and to do so by partying safely, drinking responsibly, staying in control of their behaviour and looking out for their mates,” Detective Station Sergeant Craft said.
“Police are also encouraging people to ask themselves ‘what would they think’ if you took things too far while drinking alcohol, ‘they’ being people close to you like your child, boss, grandmother or friend.”
Members of ACT Policing’s Territory Targeting Team will be conducting compliance checks on licensed venues all across the ACT this holiday period.
“It is a criminal offence to supply alcohol to an intoxicated person – this applies to licensees and staff of licensed premises, but also to members of the public who provide drinks to intoxicated friends who may have been refused service,” Detective Station Sergeant Craft said.
“Irresponsible service of alcohol can contribute to incidents of assault, offensive and anti-social behaviour, and drink-driving.
“Police find people are often arriving at licensed venues heavily under the influence of alcohol having ‘pre-loaded’ with drinks before heading out.
“So it is important for licensees and staff at licensed premises to take responsible service of alcohol seriously.
“Individuals can face heavy fines or even imprisonment for failure to serve alcohol responsibly.”
ACT Policing will have a visible presence around Canberra entertainment precincts each week, routinely patrolling licensed premises to identify any problem areas or people.
For more information on liquor licensing or to report a complaint, visit the Access Canberra website, or call 13 22 81.