[First filed: Nov 30, 2010 @ 10:48]
The ABC has the skinny on a defamation row between The editor-in-chief of the Australian, Chris Mitchell, and The University of Canberra’s Twitter evangelist, Julie Posetti.
The Australian’s editor-in-chief Chris Mitchell has denied the allegations and threatened to sue Ms Posetti for defamation, saying that he believes new media should not be exempt from the “normal laws of the land”.
As one would expect of a media academic, the ABC is reporting that there is evidence to back Ms Posetti’s tweets as having the crucial defence of truth*.
It’s a shame Chris Mitchell (and many others who threaten defamation actions) doesn’t know that since 2006 just being rich and powerful with a grievance doesn’t work any more.
(* insofar as comments made were reported accurately.)
UPDATE: Julie Posetti has briefly blogged about this.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Crikey reports that a letter of demand has now been sent, meaning it’s on for reals:
It is understood that Mitchell is not pursuing damages but is demanding a fulsome apology over the comments by journalist Asa Wahlquist, who described writing about climate change at The Australian as “torture” and “debilitating”.
The letter also contains an offer from Mitchell for Posetti to visit the offices of The Australian and observe the editorial process of the paper, he has also offered for her to sit in on editorial meetings.
Mitchell has also offered to attend mediation with Posetti.