Unless the South Australian Labor Party can conjure a minority government from the ashes of last night’s state elections, the ACT will be the only Labor government left in the country.
Will this go unnoticed in Cabinet (or more specifically, the powerful Expenditure Review Committee who run the country)? Will the likes of Abbott, Hockey, Truss, Corman and Sinodinos let this go unpunished?
My money says no, it will be punished, severely. The ACT already epitomises many of the things that terrifies Abbott’s men (and woman). The Ministry can’t leave Parliament for fear of encountering a married-lesbian, EL1 asylum seeker.
The next Council of Australian Government’s meeting is sure to be a chilly one for our fearless Chief Minister. And no doubt a disappointment for the rest of us when she treks back down the hill clutching a parcel of territory funding cuts.
Did the voters of South Australia and Tasmania just deliver the ACT’s economic coup de grace? Did we do it to ourselves in 2012 re-electing Gallagher’s mob? Or should we be proud of our “Abbott’s most hated” status?
Image: Juice Rap News Ep 22, The Energy Crisis, thejuicemedia.com