5 August 2024

Property conveyancing in Canberra - I'd like your recommendations please!

| Amanda Hugankis
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Hello fellow RiotAct-ers

I’m in the market for a good solicitor/s for property conveyancing. Its been a few years since I’ve bought/sold property and would be most appreciative of you sharing the details of anyone you care to recommend.

Thanking you in advance.

READ ALSO best conveyancing lawyers in Canberra

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don’t use HANSTEINS

Oh, if only I had checked with the knowledgeable and helpful rioters here first.!

As I am living interstate, I went with an online conveyancing solicitor. I’ll just say that if you are looking for timely and professional service, advice or communication, I would suggest you try someone else other than them.

Just buying and selling now.
Laughed when real estate agent told us our solicitor was very pedantic because they insisted on getting everthing right! ABSOLUTELY!! It’s what we pay them for!!

Andrew Colquhoun – AWESOME – he’s already saved our bacon twice!! Phew.

CoffinRX2 said :

Andy Colquhoun @ Colquhoun Murphy


Darkfalz said :

Thanks for this thread. I’m in the same position and looking for either a conveyancer or solicitor. I’m wondering if I should get a solicitor for other reasons, I’ve never had need of one before but it might be handy to have one just in case. Do you pay them a yearly commission to be “your” solicitor or is it just on a pay as you need their services basis?

You pay as you need them unless you are a big company that wants to retain them for frequent advice, etc. To be “your solicitor” you just nominate them whenever someone asks you who your solicitor is.

Thanks for this thread. I’m in the same position and looking for either a conveyancer or solicitor. I’m wondering if I should get a solicitor for other reasons, I’ve never had need of one before but it might be handy to have one just in case. Do you pay them a yearly commission to be “your” solicitor or is it just on a pay as you need their services basis?

djk said :

RSK_Legal_Group said :

itsallme said :

If you pay around $600 plus disbursements you will get what you pay for, expect around $900-$1200 plus disbursements for a good quality service.

There are those that are not so good too, but, well, ‘if you haven’t got anything nice to say…’.

Yes I work in the area and yes I have a vested interest, but I’m not telling who or why, so don’t bother asking…

Good Luck!

‘Price’ v ‘Quality of Service’ is sometimes an issue but no so with ACT conveyancing. Well at least, not with our firm. We have been established for 43 years and our fees are at the competitive end of the range mentioned by ‘It’s_all_me’. Lower fees can be achieved through efficiencies and specialising in a particular field. Sometimes paying more does not mean better service.

Yeah, I’m gonna have to go ahead and agree with itsallme on this one….


Wills and conveyancing aren’t really the most difficult legal issues out there. It doesn’t take a legal eagle to figure out how to do them. A signature here, a title check there. Every-so-often you might have to break it to the ugly child that their parent loved them less.

I can see how conveyancing or wills could be done on the cheap by a firm that specialises in those types of things.

Andy Colquhoun @ Colquhoun Murphy

+1 Tim Reilly at Netlegal

RSK_Legal_Group said :

itsallme said :

If you pay around $600 plus disbursements you will get what you pay for, expect around $900-$1200 plus disbursements for a good quality service.

There are those that are not so good too, but, well, ‘if you haven’t got anything nice to say…’.

Yes I work in the area and yes I have a vested interest, but I’m not telling who or why, so don’t bother asking…

Good Luck!

‘Price’ v ‘Quality of Service’ is sometimes an issue but no so with ACT conveyancing. Well at least, not with our firm. We have been established for 43 years and our fees are at the competitive end of the range mentioned by ‘It’s_all_me’. Lower fees can be achieved through efficiencies and specialising in a particular field. Sometimes paying more does not mean better service.

Yeah, I’m gonna have to go ahead and agree with itsallme on this one….

RSK_Legal_Group2:50 pm 06 Sep 11

itsallme said :

If you pay around $600 plus disbursements you will get what you pay for, expect around $900-$1200 plus disbursements for a good quality service.

There are those that are not so good too, but, well, ‘if you haven’t got anything nice to say…’.

Yes I work in the area and yes I have a vested interest, but I’m not telling who or why, so don’t bother asking…

Good Luck!

‘Price’ v ‘Quality of Service’ is sometimes an issue but no so with ACT conveyancing. Well at least, not with our firm. We have been established for 43 years and our fees are at the competitive end of the range mentioned by ‘It’s_all_me’. Lower fees can be achieved through efficiencies and specialising in a particular field. Sometimes paying more does not mean better service.

The real estate team at KJB Law should be able to help. They’re in Woden, just across the road from the Turkish Pide House.

Martine Lacourt from Galilee Solicitors is excellent – http://www.galilee.com.au/People

We use Clint Jones from Priority Legal. He is very good and provides a personalised service and is willing to come to you rather than making you go to him. 02 6242 4003 or admin@prioritylegal.com.au

Mark Tigwell is good, as is Tim Reilly.

Also good:

Michael James from Trinity Law
John Chamberlain from DibbsBarker
Kerrie-Anne from Bradley Allen
Kim Cosgrove from Meyer Vandenberg

If you pay around $600 plus disbursements you will get what you pay for, expect around $900-$1200 plus disbursements for a good quality service.

There are those that are not so good too, but, well, ‘if you haven’t got anything nice to say…’.

Yes I work in the area and yes I have a vested interest, but I’m not telling who or why, so don’t bother asking…

Good Luck!

I can recommend Tim Reilly at Netlegal, (62369049, info@netlegal.com.au).
My first contact with him was a number of years ago when I needed a will drawn up in a hurry. He provided me with assistance and documents free of charge.
I then used him when buying a property 18 months ago and he and his staff were great.
He was recommended to me by other friends who had similar positive experiences.

Holden Caulfield9:57 am 06 Sep 11

Mark Tigwell from Tetlow Tigwell Watch in Turner.

I have used him a few times, he’s excellent.

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