Two friends from Queanbeyan are demonstrating the resilience of the human spirit and bringing hope to bushfire-ravaged animals by knitting wildlife rescue kits for our national icons.
They are sewing pouches and mittens for kangaroos, koalas and joeys that have been injured or orphaned in the bushfires currently devastating NSW and Queensland.
Dana Leonie from the Animal Rescue Craft Guild is coordinating efforts to help wildlife injured and displaced in the recent fires by spreading the word about the sew-athon.

All tuckered out: a koala begins its recovery.
Dana and her helpers use clean flannelette sheets and pillowcases to create ‘Wildlife Rescue Kits’ that contain clothes to help displaced and injured animals recover and recuperate.
“We use 100 per cent natural fabrics like cotton and bamboo. If you are using flannel, we have to ensure that it is 100 per cent cotton,” says Helen.
“Calico is too rough for the animals and the synthetic materials aren’t breathable. Fabrics can be second-hand blankets, tote bags etc., but must be cleaned before being sewn.”
The sew-athon will take place this Friday evening at the Letchworth Community Centre in Queanbeyan, where the angels from local quilting groups will turn donated fabrics into rescue kits.
If you have a spare sewing machine and would like to help, contact the Animal Rescue Craft Guild through their Facebook page. The sew-athon takes place at the Letchworth Community Centre at 28 Miller Street, Queanbeyan at 7:00 pm, Friday, 15 November.
To donate to bushfire relief, visit The Salvation Army or The Red Cross.

To volunteer, contact the Animal Rescue Craft Guild through their Facebook page.