Rates, fees and charges will generally increase by 2.7 per cent.
Queanbeyan region residents will have to fork out about $100 a year more to meet their rates bill after the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council adopted its Operational Plan, Fees and Charges, and Revenue Policy for 2019-20.
Rates, fees and charges will generally increase by 2.7 per cent, which is in line with the rate peg limit set by the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.
Mayor Tim Overall said the highlight of the Operational Plan 2019-20 was $140 million of capital works across the local government area, including the Regional Sports Complex, the Bungendore Sports Hub, development of an off-street car park in Bungendore, intersection improvements on Uriarra Road in Queanbeyan as well as continuing the major road projects already under way such as the sealing of Nerriga Road, the Ellerton Drive extension and Stage 2 of the Old Cooma Road upgrade.
“During the public exhibition of the Operational Plan 2019-20, we received 34 submissions. As a result of the submissions a number of projects were added, including vegetation management on Araluen Mountain Road, a public toilet facility in Nerriga, a water tap at the High Street off-lead dog park and a facility assessment of all of our pools to provide us with a clear understanding of what improvements are required,” he said.
Council was also successful in gaining funding from the Australian Government and NSW Government for a number of programs to tackle weeds in the region, with four projects added to the Operational Plan 2019-20.
These include a $500,000 grant to target weeds on prime agricultural land around Braidwood, funded by the Australian Government’s Communities Combating Pests and Weed Impacts During Drought Program.
The other programs fall under the NSW Government’s South East Weeds Action Program and include a project to broadly map priority agricultural land across south-east NSW to assist in meeting the duties under the Biosecurity Act, an online tool for landholders to provide weed management information for their property, along with projects to tackle fireweed in Googong and gorse in the upper Shoalhaven catchment.
Original Article published by Ian Bushnell on About Regional.