13 December 2023

QUIZ: What's Canberra's northernmost suburb? Plus 9 other questions this week

| John Coleman
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NASA space shuttle orbiter, Canberra light rail, Nishi building

How many of these 10 facts do you know? Photo: File

What suburb is the ACT’s northern frontier? Which two of the six NASA space shuttles were destroyed? And which developer is responsible for the New Acton precinct?

It’s all in this week’s quiz.

Take the quiz alone, challenge friends or colleagues, but hit the Take the Quiz button below to start (and don’t forget to share your score in the comments).

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Question two asks “what is Canberra’s most southern suburb?”

Tharwa isn’t a suburb it’s a village. Banks is the most southern suburb. That’s not one of your options.

Reword the question if you mean neighbourhood not suburb.

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