Concerns have been raised by anti race hate group, Fightdemback!, about the headline act for this years Terrorfest II gig.
Baal Gadrial, appear to be no more than your average death metal band, however, a cursory glance at some of their press releases reveals a pretty strong anti-Semitic message.
They’re certainly not the first death metal band to engage in morbid hate filled lyrics, and perhaps this in isolation is no more than a sick joke, however, enter the promoter of this years gig, a guy going by the name of Lailoken. Lailoken lists some of his favourite bands as being Gestapo SS’ and ‘Zyklon B’. For those of you who don’t know, Zyklon B was the chemical used in the Nazi gas chambers.
Lailoken is a prominent member of the ACT Metal scene, and runs the metal forum. I’d be interested to hear him clarify his position.
Fightdemback!, have looked at all the other bands on the list, and none of them are of any concern to the organisation. It would be ashame if this controversy threatened the future of the gig that showcases some of the country’s best death metal talent.