Canberra (music) radio. Is it the pits or what? I know our market is comparatively small and that just about every station in Oz these days is formatted up the wazoo, but really…
Let’s look at the choices: Mix 106 – I have listened to it since it rose from the ashes of Kix 106 in early 1994 (I know, I’ve only got myself to blame) but it’s probably at it’s most vanilla ever. Same old same old (literally), you can almost set your watch with it’s playlist, especially when it comes to Australian music (1.42pm? Must be time for Sounds of Then by Gangajang.) For a station that could have an easy 1000 songs on rotation in it’s preferred format (evidenced by it’s annual sham top 1063 or whatever songs of all time AS VOTED BY YOU – yeah sure, remind me to show you the maths sometime to ask how they figured out the order), I’d be amazed if they play more than a fifth of those over a week. The phrase “Variety” seems to be defined in the Mix programmers’ dictionary as “not more than 2 James Blunt songs in a row… per hour”. Music to have a lobotomy to.
104 (not 104.7 these days, apparently that .7 makes them sound, like, so hung up about their frequency) – ok so I’m over 35 so of course I don’t get it, but further reduce the playlist of songs available, add some edgy, cool presenters (Scotty, Nige and Knuckles step forward please – gag) and mix with liberal amounts of ads and 104-second attention span news. Music to cause you to have a lobotomy.
JJJ – yes, very worthwhile and hardcore like uncooked brown rice but about as palatable. Not my style, never has been and unsurprisingly never will be. Word from the yoof on the streets is that the Jays is not worth unplugging your ipod for anyway. And something about meh.
Classic FM/Artsound: How DO people listen to that stuff in their Volvos with their head up their ar5es?
2XX/RAWFM/QBNFM/ ValleyFM/ any other community FM stations – do us a favour. Hand in your broadcast licence. You’re not impressing anyone. Bring back FM88 – ok it was in mono, looped on someone’s computer and you could barely hear it outside of Tuggers, but even still it had a wider variety of music than 106 and no (well, one at one stage) braindead jocks interrupting the music. Even SSSFM in it’s day had a pretty good selection of music when they wern’t broadcasting race 5 from Dapto… and I miss hearing The Frog on Sunday nights (hi, Brian at Songland!)
2CA – now, here’s the thing. I grew up listening to 2CC after vowing never to listen to 2CA again in 1975 – aged 7. I then vowed never to listen to AM again once 104 and 106 started in 1988. Having stumbled onto 2CA recently by accident I was struck at what it’s like these days – more focus on the 70s/80s and 90’s, including lots of half-decent songs that I hadn’t heard for years, quite a few refugee announcers from 106 (Don Dawkins, Tina Bernice), generally better that I’d remembered. They even play some recently released songs from their core artists (ie the Eagles) that didn’t get a look in on Mix. Sure it still sounds rubbish compared to FM and the evening shift in particular is obviously automated, but it shows just how flabby and lazy Mix has become. Or maybe I’ve reached that “certain age” and it’s all AM for me from now on…
Your thoughts?