After the recent heavy rains all the kayakers I know are very excited about actually getting in a river with some water in it, but the ABC has put out this story on how higher water levels and stronger currents can take people unaware.
HumeLink gets the green light, work to begin in 2025
Do understand the difference between stability of the AC oscillation and stability of reliable… View
I do understand the difference between maintaining the AC oscillation stability and the rest of it,… View
Yes, there are plenty of nuclear power plants around the world and another 20 soon to be built about… View
Say goodbye to budget surpluses for a decade
No. Very experienced. The fact remains that Labor are frauds. People should reflect on the Howard… View
Was that US$250,000 quoted before the AUD recently fell 10% against the USD? View
She's not arguing for "Big tax" grandpa she's arguing for some tax. Australians and I mean every… View
These olive oil lovers say it's the healthiest fat in the world, and we should be eating more of it
Yes, I like avocado oil and macadamia oil but both can be hard to find as well as expensive. Coles… View
It's important to differentiate between Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Olive Oil. The former is purer… View