There’s a lot of chatter going on as a result of the Productivity Commission releasing its Report On Government Services for 2011.
Chief Minister Stanhope would like us to note the following points:
- — the Alexander Maconochie Centre showed high performance in key areas, well above the national average, for prisoner education and employment;
— community perceptions of safety and of police integrity continued to be very positive, with the ACT performing consistently above the national average for a variety of indicators;
— ACT public schools had the second-lowest student-to-teacher ratio in the country at 12.7, compared with the national average of 14.0;
— ACT mean scores and the proportion of students performing in the high achievement level for reading, writing and numeracy in 2008 and 2009 NAPLAN were among the highest in the country and within the three highest performing jurisdictions for all year levels;
— the ACT had the highest year 12 completion rates of all jurisdictions;
— there was a marked increase in the number of full-time nurses;
— there was a significant improvement in the number of public hospital beds per capita;
— the ACT has the highest breast screening rates for Indigenous women in the country;
— the ACT has the highest life expectancy rates at birth for men and women; and
— the ACT is most efficient jurisdiction in the completion of child protection investigations, with 67.3% finalised within 28 days, more than double the national average of 33.2%.
Should the Liberals bestir themselves to comment we’ll let you know.