24 May 2024

WATCH: Ricky Stuart talks tactics after lengthy contract extension

| Tim Gavel
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Ricky Stuart watches on during his 500th NRL game as coach

Ricky Stuart watches on during his 500th NRL game as coach. Photo: Jayze Photography.

Canberra Raiders coach Ricky Stuart has signed a contract extension that will keep him at the club until at least 2029.

Ricky says he is excited by the prospect of coaching the next generation of players coming through the Raiders.

The deal comes three weeks after Stuart coached his 500th NRL game, more than 250 of those with the Raiders.

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It will see him coach the Canberra side past his 60th birthday and he says he is keen to guide them through life as people as well as footballers.

There are also decisions to be made on several older players at the end of the season. Ricky shares his thoughts with Region’s sports editor, Tim Gavel.

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