The Lost and Found Office is opening a new pop up studio / gallery in Braddon, ACT.
In collaboration with other artists at the Queanbeyan Artists Shed, they will be presenting The Q Collection, a diverse array of collected works that provide an insight into the unique cultural identity of this underground community.
They will be working away in the new space from tomorrow onwards, as they gear up for a big launch next Thursday evening. They welcome visitors ahead of the launch for a sneak peek of their setup.
But there’s just one catch… you have to find them first!
They will be releasing clues over the coming days to help you zero in on the Lost and Found Office. The first ten people to discover them before the launch will receive a free gift handmade by one of their artists.
Sound intriguing? Here’s how to win:
Put the clues together to find their secret space.
When you think you’ve figured it out, go visiting!
They will publicise their new address on Tuesday next week ahead of the opening. Until then, just solve the clues to find their secret studio!
Clue number 1
The street that the studio is located on is also the make of a car from a defunct British car manufacturer.
So tricky! Stay tuned for more clues in the coming days…
And bookmark next Thursday eve – enjoy a glass of bubbly with Q Collection artists: Alicia Kane, Ric Bennet and Dennis Mortimer.
(Press release – Lost and Found)
Image by Ric Bennett