People experiencing family and domestic violence can contact police or support services for help. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
Assault, property damage, harassment and trespass – these are some of the family violence offences seven Canberrans have been accused of following a string of incidents.
The seven people were charged following the incidents on Sunday (17 March), including a 28-year-old woman charged with four counts of assault after allegedly striking her male partner several times.
Police said the man was left with “significant injuries”.
In another incident, a 57-year-old man was arrested and accused of assaulting his female partner. Police said the alleged attack had been caught on CCTV at a hospitality venue in Phillip.
Meanwhile, an 18-year-old man has been charged with using a carriage service to harass after officers were shown dozens of messages, which contained threatening and harassing content, that the man allegedly sent.
ACT Policing Family Violence Unit detective sergeant Sam Norman said family violence could present itself in a number of different ways.
“Even after a victim has ended the relationship, abuse can still occur, as we have seen in a few of the matters over the weekend,” he said.
“While many incidents do present as assaults, police also see a range of behaviours, such as threatening messages or conduct, property damage, or trespassing [are] other forms of abuse, intimidation, and control that offenders exert on their victims.”
He advised people in similar situations to contact police on 131 444 when it was safe to do so, or call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.
Support services can also assist with crisis support, safety planning and advice.
The Domestic Violence Crisis Service provides a 24-hour crisis line, advice, safety planning and information every day of the year and can be reached on 02 6280 0900.
The Canberra Rape Crisis Centre provides a 24-hour crisis line and can be contacted on 6247 2525.
Stav Savoulidis and? The blind, still won't open their eyes!! View