Hi all
Just wanted to share some thoughts on what can be only described as shenanigans which happens from time to time on the corner of Drakeford & Athlon drive Tuggeranong.
The offending parties involved are drivers who try to get into the two right turning lanes on drakford drive and then turn right at the lights into Athllon. For the most part of the day this happens in a normal manner, however around the 9am mark when good little public servants should be at work things can get a bit interesting.
Around this time in the morning there is a lot of traffic that all wants to turn right into Tuggranong this can cause quite a long queue in the far right lane, this is fine however as there is two spare lanes remaining .
The problem is when drivers at the end of said queue pullout and drive down the middle lane and then either dive bomb into a gap that no sane person would attempt or which is the core of this story stop dead in traffic put their blinker on waiting for someone to hopefully let them in before they cause an accident.
Now this has to be some of the most dangerous driving i have seen in the act, never mind the lack of head checks and all the rest but actually stopping in the middle of a 3 lane rd when the lights in front are green and there’s a horde of cars barreling down on them.
People if you miss your turn keep going and take the next right (Erindale) you might find you get there faster. Don’t stop and have people try to madly dodge you or worse drive right into you.