The ABC’s The World Today has a transcript up in which the PM gets a grilling for not calling off the Prime Minister’s XI match as an act of mourning for the execution of Van Nguyen.
While I’m not keen on the execution, are these calls taking pointless gestures and conspicuous compassion to stupid levels?
UPDATED: Thumper sent in the following which I’ve decided to append here:
RSL up in arms about ‘minutes silence’ .
Regardless of what you think about the death penalty, this article in the CT should put a lot of the frivolous bleatings in perspective.
Nguyen Tuong Van is not a hero. He has not contributed a great deal to this country. he was attempting to contribute, through his financial gain, more suffering and misery upon people, family and friends.
remember folks, this Changi. yes, that changi, where so many Australians died at the hands of the Japanese during World War Two.
Totally and utterly inappropriate and all these wnakers asking for a minutes silence should pull their heads in and ask why we have the country we have.