Having moved recently moved to the temoperate climes of Hobart, I have had the chance to meet with some rather intersting folks spruiking the most fascinating of ideas in the prusuit of public service glory. One of my favourites to date, and one that I thought would appeal to the more Machiavellian RiotACT minds is Guerrila Gardening.
The concept itself is quite simple, find a plant you like, or several, identify an area that you think it would best suit it (Read up on its likes and dislike, turn the label over at the nursery or hit this link for a bunch of help. At this point, I think it best to point out that using native plants for Australia, and the Canberra Region specifically would be smarter option, take a picture of it and post on the afforementined GG website.
I can attest that areas around here have come up, literally smelling of bottle brushes through clever, innovative, community minded folk spending a bit of time, researching what best goes where and poking it in.
After all, the bueaty of a democractic process is that if you don’t like the way the system, or environment currently is, pull your finger out and have a go.