OK, we keep getting emailled about it and getting story submissions so here it is.
Piers Akerman in the Daily Telegraph yesterday had a sly bit of Canberra bashing based on the fact that Jon Stanhope was able to get re-elected here.
Piers’ litany of Our Brave Leader’s faults is by no means enyclopedic, and will not surprise any regular readers here, but the thrust of his argument is blunted his failure to examine the alternatives which the unhappy voters of Canberra were presented with.
It would almost be worth another four years of a Stanhope Government just to annoy Piers Akerman.
Almost, but not quite. Frankly I think a Stefaniak government would be beyond diabolical, but we can only hope that a strong vote for independents and minor parties will give us the accountability and transparency that we have so badly lacked, from whomever emerges from next year’s election claiming a mandate to inflict their narrow agenda onto us all.